Pielāgoti apdrukāti peldkostīmi atklātā ūdenī/ledus peldēšanas klubi
Curvy Bathers by Acquawear offers high-quality sport swimwear for every aquatic discipline. From custom club kits for competition and training to fully customised designs and logo sublimated prints, our extensive range of products is made from durable, eco-performant and recycled fabrics for the highest level of performance.
We use only the highest quality fabrics and materials to create your custom kit, and you can choose from a variety of colours, designs, and styles to make it truly yours. All of the products in your desired kit will be fully customised with your own designs, logo, and personalised if desired. Whether you are a competitive club or just a group of friends looking for a unique style, Acquawear has the perfect custom kit for you.
Please note that minimum order / style is 10 pieces at all times, including re-orders. Repeat orders are not limited to any quantity, but if the order / style is smaller than 5 / 10 pieces, there is an administrative fee of £50 / £15 per style which will be added to the final bill.
What is Extra Life Lycra? What ExtraLife Lycra Swimwear Do We Sell?Xtra Life Lycra delivers the properties of Lycra, such as the soft feeling and beautiful fit but also gives swimwear a longer life with less fading and without becoming as baggy. Xtra Life Lycra is resistant to chlorine and pool chemicals 5 - 10 times longer than regular Elastane. This makes Xtra Life Lycra an excellent choice as fitness or training swimwear for male and females. But choose a swimsuit with a high Polyester content and less Lycra, for longer life. We sell Xtra Life Lycra swimwear in both www.acquawear.com (Korean Swimwear and Kneesuits) and www.curvybathers.com (Kneesuits) shops. Our Korean made Kneesuits Jkuss and Tornado are extremely popular, because of the outstanding prints, soft and body hugging fabrics and styles with Lycra content 20%, see individual listings.
What is Chlorine Proof Swimwear? Does Acquawear Sell Chlorine Proof Swimwear?100% Polyester and PBT swimwear fabrics are by far the most durable and long lasting. Although not as comfortable against the skin as Lycra based fabrics, Polyester/PBT blends are without a doubt the best training swimwear for men and women, due to their incredibly long lifespan. Chlorine proof swimwear has less stretch and thus provides a tighter fit and some people, maybe not as used to regular swim training, might find it constricting and need some time to get used to. The fabrics are less stretchy than Lycra so make sure that you check the size and measurements charts and read the advice of how the suits fit given by the seller, as they most likely have feedback not only from the manufacturer, but also from the customers. Swimsuits made of 100% polyester should retain their colour for at least a year of regular use, but most last much longer and are called chlorine proof for this reason. Chlorine resistant (proof) swimsuits also keep their shape because polyester isn't destroyed by chlorine like nylon or Spandex. Most of the top swimwear brands feature a range of durable PBT or 100% Polyester swimwear, and some brands manufacture exclusively their colourful swimsuits from durable fabrics. All our Delfina custom printed swimwear (except Kneesuits) for women or guys and for clubs are made out of chlorine proof fabrics and are the best choice for maximum swimsuit life and value for money. We stock also Korean brands in small sizes on our Acquawear website (Jkuss, Hoog and TSNine) chlorine proof swimsuits, just look for "T" in the product code and description (Tough, 100% Polyester).
What are Sustainable Eco Fabrics? Do we Use Sustainable Eco Fabrics in Our Swimwwear?Eco Fabrics - Carvico Xlance Eco For all our Delfina custom made swimwear (for Men and Women) SINCE 2021 (except Kneesuits), we use the Eco fabric Xlance, newly released by the Italian manufacturer Carvico. It is an eco-sustainable fabric designed to promote re-use, recycling and respect for our environment. According to Carvico, the fabric shows extraordinary performance in terms of resistance to chlorine, ensure perfect fit, exceptional comfort and a unique, contemporary and elegant ‘Made in Italy’ style, and they are revolutionizing the worlds of swimwear and sportswear. XLANCE fabrics put together XLANCE unique, high-tech elastomeric fibre and a selection of exceptional and eco-sustainable yarns to meet the requirements of the market and the latest swimwear and sportswear trends, Carvico explains. “Moreover, they are eco-sustainable. Carvico has always operated in the view to safeguarding the environment promoting a more sustainable fashion. XLANCE fabrics stem from a long and thorough research process for fully sustainable raw materials and production processes,” the company says. “XLANCE elastomer is produced without the use of solvents and can be thermoset at lower temperatures compared to fabrics containing standard elastomers thus reducing CO2 emissions and saving relevant amounts of energy.” “XLANCE elastomer is here mixed with several eco-sustainable yarns: ECONYL (used in XLANCE ECO), a 100% regenerated nylon yarn from pre and post-consumer waste materials such as discarded fishing nets, carpet fluff and tulle, and a regenerated polyester yarn from PET bottles (used in XLANCE PLAY).” “XLANCE fabrics ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort and fits the body like a second skin adapting and shaping its curves and offering athletes support and maximum freedom of movement, Soft and pleasant to the touch, all these fabrics are suitable for printing (sublimation and digital). ”Sport as a lifestyle, wellbeing as a state of mind “XLANCE World by Carvico offers a selection of high-performance fabrics ideal for training and competition swimwear, which can satisfy the needs of every athlete without forgetting about an exclusive 100% made in Italy style and glamour,” the company adds.
How is Lycra Used in Swimwear?Lycra (also known as Spandex or Elastane) is always mixed with another fibre, usually polyamide (known also as nylon) to give it resilience and stretch. A Lycra swimsuit will generally last less than 2-3 months if exposed to chlorine regularly, it will fade and becomes baggy as the chlorine breaks down the fibres. Lycra swimwear is a choice for leisure swimmers and those who seldom visit the pool, swim in open water or take a dip on holiday. The material is soft against the skin, very comfortable and the prices are generally cheaper.
Swimwear Fitting AdviceWe use the Xlance Eco fabric for all new custom printed Delfina stock and the fabric has a great stretch, so please make sure the suit is not too baggy to start off with. It needs to be nice and tight on your body, to achieve the ideal shape in the water.
Swimwear Care AdviceIt is so easy to come home tired from the pool, lake, river or beach and just stick the swimsuit in the washing machine, together with the towel, and dry it after on a hot radiator or even stick it in the dryer! But please, DON’T DO IT!!! If you want your suit to last, keep its colours and shape, just DON’T DO IT! Remember to never wash your swimming costume with detergents or in a washing machine. Just give it a good rinse straight after exiting the pool and hang the suit to dry away from a source of heat, and this will ensure the longest possible lifespan for your swimsuit, whatever fabric it's made from. We have a lot of personal experiences in using swimwear, and if you think your suit has become a bit grubby with body oils or the algae from river / lake, just hand-wash it a bit more thoroughly in a basin, with some Fairy Liquid or any dish soap and hang it on a banister. Swimsuits that haven't been properly cared for, as per the manufacturer's label / seller's instructions - swimwear that has been machined washed, put in spinners, centrifuges, dryers will void any warranty.
Do you sell my personal details? Do you share them with Third Party?The answer is a definite NO. We don't work with any other companies and our website doesn't let Google or any other companies advertise on it. The only personal data we use is for orders' delivery and replying to your questions. We email up to three newsletters / month, but if you don't want to receive them in the future, please unsubscribe at any time.
How can I pay for the items? Do I get a refund if I change my mind and return it?We take Credit and Debit Cards through our provider, Stripe. We sometimes add Paypal to the checkout, but as their fees are double and non refundable for returns we prefer the Credit Card payments which are as safe as Paypal. Yes, you can return for a product refund (postage will not be refunded) or exchange. We prefer if you can accept an exchange, especially if your return is after the 14 days. If you are in doubt of what size you need, please ask for more advice. If you change your mind, you have to let us know within 14 days.
How does the swimwear sizing compare to the ladies UK clothing sizing?The swimwear size on our website is the same as the Lingerie and Swimwear Sizing you use when buying a bra. We have measured some of the swimsuits (each individual style and size) and put them in a table for you to compare the measurements to the swimsuit you currently wear. Please see individual product for its own measurements chart. For all Waterpolo swimsuits, bear in mind that they are lined with the same fabric as the swimsuit, so that would make a difference to the fitting, so please allow an extra size up for the extra thickness. Manufacturer's chart with equivalent sizes also available for our eco friendly swim costumes.
Can I have a custom print made for myself and how long does it take for a custom print item to arrive? Can I customise the style?Any past print can be made for you, but the minimum order is five pieces, so if you get together with friends and family, you can place this very small order together. It takes approximately 3 weeks to receive your custom suits. You can see the styles available on the Clubs page, but it is not possible to change or customise any of the features, except add personalisation.
3. Veiciet pasūtījumuDizains tagad tiks pielāgots visām detaļām, kas jums nepieciešamas kā daļa no jūsu komplekta, taču nākotnē var tikt pievienotas vairākas detaļas. Tāpat jums ir jāizlemj, vai preces ir jāpielāgo, un jāizvēlas nosaukumu vai iniciāļu izvietojums, izmērs un fonts. Tiek iekasēta papildu maksa £2,50/nosaukums/gabals. Pilns dizains ir jāapstiprina, un dalībniekiem būs jāizvēlas izmēri un stili. Mūsu komplekti ir augstākās kvalitātes un tiek ražoti modernā ES iekārtā. Peldkostīmam izmantotie audumi ir izturīgi pret hloru un pilnībā izklāta ar baltu oderi (melna odere pieejama par papildus 10%). Vīriešu ūdenspolo peldbikses ir izgatavotas no dubulta auduma. Parasti pieejamie izmēri ir no 20. līdz 40. izmēram, taču daži sieviešu modeļi ir pieejami līdz 48. izmēram (Apvienotās Karalistes apģērbs 24/26). Pēc pasūtījuma veikšanas mēs izsūtīsim rēķinu, kas būs jāapmaksā stingri pirms pasūtījuma nosūtīšanas. Pasūtījuma saņemšana aizņem tikai 3-4 nedēļas (atkarībā no nepieciešamā piegādes veida: Express vai Economy). Atkārtoti pasūtījumi nav ierobežoti ar jebkuru daudzumu, taču, ja pasūtījums ir mazāks par 5 gab., gala rēķinam tiek pievienota administratīvā maksa £20. Treniņtērpu minimālais pasūtījums vienmēr ir 10 gabali, ieskaitot atkārtotus pasūtījumus. Iespējams, ka būs ekonomiskāk veikt lielāku atkārtotu pasūtījumu, jo pasta izdevumi var būt diezgan lieli. Pasta izdevumi ir papildus, un tajā ir iekļauta papildu maksa par piegādi no Ziemeļīrijas uz Lielbritāniju (ja tiek nosūtīta tieši no mūsu ES rūpnīcas, klientiem būs jāmaksā muitas nodokļi). Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka pasūtīšanas laikā vietnē norādītās cenas ir cenas, ko maksāsit par savu pasūtījumu. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka cenas var mainīties no viena pasūtījuma uz nākamo; piem. rūpnīcas cenu paaugstināšana par 18% no 1. augusta.
2. Izvēlieties savas veidnes/stilusMums ir plašs veidņu klāsts, ko var pielāgot. Mēs iesakām sākt ar vienu peldkostīmu un vienu pāri jammeru vai biksīšu pāri, un, kad dizains ir apstiprināts, mēs to pārnesam uz visiem priekšmetiem, kas jums nepieciešami kā daļa no jūsu komplekta. Tas ir vienkāršākais un ātrākais veids! Ja jums ir ļoti īpašs krāsu tonis, lūdzu, nosūtiet mums Pantone kodu vai mēs nosūtīsim jums auduma krāsas paraugu. Ekrāna izšķirtspējas krāsas ir gaišākas par auduma toni, tāpēc neiesakām izvēlēties krāsas, neredzot auduma krāsas paraugu. Tiklīdz esat apstiprinājis dizainu, varat sākt izvēlēties komplekta daļas. No pieredzes mēs atklājam, ka kluba biedri dod priekšroku izvēlei, kāda veida uzvalks viņiem var būt, jo dažādi uzvalki ir piemēroti dažādiem ķermeņa tipiem, tāpēc, jo lielāka izvēle viņiem ir, jo lielāka iespēja, ka viņi pasūtīs. Neaizmirstiet, ka klubu peldkostīmu veidnēs ir iekļauti profesionāli peldkostīmi (FINA apstiprināti peldkostīmi), sacīkšu tērpi, kurus var pielāgot jūsu kluba vajadzībām. Treniņtērpus var pasūtīt atsevišķi, taču, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka minimālais treniņtērpu pasūtījums ir 10 vienības, ieskaitot atkārtotus pasūtījumus. Lai noteiktu izmēru, mēs iesakām visiem kluba biedriem pārbaudīt izmēru tabulas un/vai peldkostīmu mērījumu tabulu (ja ir iekļauta). Mums ir daži izmēru komplekti vecām formām, taču visām formām, kas iekļautas sadaļā Veidnes, lūdzu, izmantojiet pievienotās diagrammas, jo ražotājs vairs nepiedāvā izmēru komplektus.
1. Kluba logotips un krāsasNosūtiet mums sava kluba logotipu augstas izšķirtspējas failā. Mēs dodam priekšroku vektoru failiem, taču pietiktu ar augstas izšķirtspējas .jpeg. Pastāstiet mums par savām krāsām un īsu priekšstatu par dizainu. Jo labāks priekšstats par to, kā dizainam vajadzētu izskatīties, dizainerim ir vieglāk izdomāt kaut ko, kas jums patīk. Jums ir divas brīvas stundas dizainera darbam, ar ko vajadzētu pietikt vienkāršam noformējumam (tāpēc mēs iesakām īsu īsu materiālu). Jūs varat iegūt pilnīgi jaunu dizainu bez maksas* (skatiet iepriekš), ja vien esat gatavs pasūtīt vismaz 20 gabalus, kas izgatavoti ar šo dizainu.
Sizing Advice for Knee Swim Costumes and How Do We MeasurePlease read this note for size advice: eg. Someone who is a size 14 and about 1.58m tall fits in a size 34 in swimsuits and size 38 in kneesuits with extra stretch room at the straps, but no extra room on the body. A customer size 14 but tall 5'11" fits in size 44. Ideal suits for narrow and long bodies. When you look at the chart, please make sure you look at the kneesuit measurements in particular, as a size 44 is only 42 cm measured flat across the hips!!! If you received the kneesuit and you try it on, please note that they stretch a lot. It feels stiff, especially as it is fully lined (including the legs), but it does have lots of stretch in it! Please see equivalent sizes for different countries. See below also the Physical Measurements Chart for the Delfina suits. Each style was measured unstretched: full length; across the chest (under arm); across the hips (just above the leg gap). Let us know if you need any other measurements. Also chart available for the Korean brands. Our customer below is a clothing size 18 / 20 in clothing and fits in the kneeskin size 44.
About Delfina Custom Print Leg Suit KneesuitThe long lasting fabrics and designer unique prints, you know you're buying a knee length swimsuit you'll enjoy wearing. We are always aiming to give swimmers comfortable swimwear and long lasting kneeskins in exquisite prints. The knee suit’s full lining will give you confidence that your costume won't go see-through! The open back design and wide shoulder straps will offer the swimmer comfort, movement freedom and extra support. The Knee suits are a perfect choice for pool, sea or lake swimming training sessions!
What Styles & Brands Do We Stock?Customers can purchase Delfina bespoke limited edition print kneesuits legsuits swimwear, which are very comfortable to wear and fully lined, including the legs. The Delfina togs are perfect for leisure swimming in the pool, rivers, lakes or sea. If you like ice swimming, open water swimming, sea swimming, then the Delfina costumes are a perfect choice. We also stock Korean made kneesuits which are silky, comfortable and long lasting, but unfortunately the biggest size they are made in is size 36 (Korean size 105). We also stock a few other makes, but again, available only in smaller sizes.
Thermal Tops InformationThe thermal top is fleecy inside and will keep you warm while swimming, under a wetsuit or just put it on after the swim to warm you up. 100% polyester with a good stretch. Check out our cute Owls and Bluetits prints which match the swimsuits. Please make sure to check the measurements. Measurements are made for the flat, unstretched top and in centimetres. That means, when measured, the front and back are on top of each other so therefore you literally measure half of the top only, across the chest, just under where the sleeves are inserted. It is not a circular measurement. Length is measured from the highest part of the shoulder, just before the neck gap starts. Sleeves are measures from where the printed sleeve is sewn to the black panel. It's very hard to advise the sizing and we think you should go down from your swimsuit size by at least one size, but maybe even two sizes if you are short (eg. size 36 in swimsuits / size 30 in the top fits ok, nice and snuggly on). It is a personal preference how tight you want to wear the top, but if you want to wear it in the water for swimming or under a wetsuit, you should go for a small size. If you want to wear it after a swim, you would maybe be better with a slightly bigger size, but definitely not bigger than your swimsuit. Check out the Measurements Chart on each product page.
Bottoms InformationWe offer you three types of bottoms: unisex shorts, aqua briefs and bikini bottoms. We stock the new Xlance Eco fabric for all the 2021 / 22 custom printed shorts in stock. The fabric has a great stretch, so please make sure the shorts are not too baggy to start off with. They need to be nice and tight on your body, to achieve the ideal shape in the water. The shorts and aqua briefs are front lined only. The Aqua Briefs and bikini separates are made out of 100% polyester, our old fabric but great quality nevertheless, and used for countless kits for aquatic clubs.
Bikini InformationBikinis are popular girls' bathing suits and, at the moment, are in the clearance prices. They are ideal for beach, swimming training suits, bikini sets for bodybuilders, or leisure swimming. We have two types of tops, Tank bikini tops and Bandeau bikini tops to fit the bikini bottoms. Buy our separate Bikini Tops and Bottoms. You can also have the sports bikini tops and bottoms included in your customized team kit. See Clubs page for more information. There are no limits to your designs! Choose any combinations of our anti-fading colours and apply them with your patterns and text to create the perfect design. Min quantities apply.
IZMĒRU TABULAS UN IZMĒRU IETEIKUMIŪdenspolo peldkostīmu izmērs ir līdz 46. No klientu atsauksmēm mēs zinām, ka pilna rāvējslēdzēja un pilnas oderes dēļ uzvalku stiepšanās ir diezgan ierobežota, tāpēc mēs ieteicām palielināt vismaz vienu izmēru vai pat divus, ja vēlaties arī garš vai ar garu ķermeni. Lūdzu, skatiet zemāk esošo fizisko mērījumu diagrammu. Katrs stils tika mērīts neizstiepts: pilnā garumā; pāri krūtīm (zem rokas); pāri gurniem (tieši virs kāju spraugas). Zem tās ir ražotāja izmēru tabula šai konkrētajai formai. Lūdzu, skatiet līdzvērtīgus izmērus dažādām valstīm tālāk.
PAR DELFINA PIELĀGOTU APDRUKĀJUMU ŪDENSPOLO PELDKOMPĀLIEMŪdenspolo bikses ir izgatavotas no tirgū labākā eko auduma, izmantojot pasaulē vadošo sportiski izturīgo audumu Carvico Xlance Eco, un tie ir pilnībā oderēti, nodrošinot, ka uzvalks laika gaitā saglabā sākotnējo formu. Tas ir izturīgs pret hloru un UV stariem, tāpēc krāsas intensitāte tiek saglabāta, atkārtoti lietojot laika gaitā. Tam ir pastiprinātas šuves un spēcīgs rāvējslēdzējs aizmugurē, un ideāls piegriezums nodrošina izcilu pārklājumu un ciešu piegulšanu.
Reasons For Wearing a Swim Hat- To make you more streamlined when swimming, especially for competitive swimmers. A swimming cap should keep your hair out of your face when swimming and will reduce water drag. - To protect your hair from chlorine damage: Especially if you wet your hair before putting your cap on and go in the pool, the caps will prevent your hair from becoming saturated with the chlorinated water. - Hygiene: People who swim without a cap lose hair in the pool which in turn will clog up the filters. - Warmth: If you swim in open water a swimming hat will help to keep you warm in the cold water. You could also double up the caps.
Swim Caps MisconceptionsThey are not designed to keep your hair dry! If you read the instructions on our RAS swimming caps, they recommend you wet your hair before putting the cap on! Although some caps will do a good job keeping your hair dry, this is not their scope. If you want to keep your hair dry as much as possible, you can use a silicone cap which gives a tight fit and should keep most of the water out, or wear 2 caps.
Pielāgoti komplekti klubiem un komandām
Peldēšanas komplekti ledus peldētājiem un Channel peldēšanas komandām
Choose your templates here, but bear in mind that these are only a small selection. We use a high performance chlorine proof and sustainable Eco fabric, in most of our club kit swimwear.
Pielāgota komplekta cenas
Cenu paaugstināšana no 2022. gada 1. augusta
